Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Crossover success puts Shakira at top of Latin Grammy nominations

Shakira's double-barreled success comes at a difficult time for Latin music. Sales are down in the United States and Latin America, and no single trend has created the energy that typically fuels the industry.


Sunday, September 24, 2006


Rihanna, schön, wie sie ist - muss der unglücklichste Popstar in der Welt im Moment sein, jede Single scheint daran stecken zu bleiben #2 im Vereinigten Königreich. SOS und Untreu, waren wie 10copies jeder knapp am Gehen dazu #1. Hat sie die Blicke, die Stimme und die Anhänger, seit Jahren noch weiterzugehen. Dieser cd legt mit dem ruhmvollen SOS, wahr 80's~90's~00's verbundener Disko-Schiss, Bewegung über Beyonce los, es gibt ein neues Kind unterm Hammer, es leiht den synth der Verdorbenen Liebe der weichen Zelle, die scheint vollkommen mit dem Vokal und dem Schlagen, reines Genie zu passen - ist das folgende Küsse Dont Lüge, welche mich wieder sofort im Sinn der Ikone der 80er Jahre Tiffany - der ruhmvolle deprimierte Vokal-Ring vielleicht lauter bringen, als sie - fab sollten!! dann haben wir das fantastische Untreue, das die Jahre am besten Verkäufer - gewesen sein sollte aber kaum jede Sendezeit am Radio - hatte aber überall in MTV groß war, bringt das Sie in der Laune für die Ruhe des uptempo und balledry cd, OK, gab ich es 4, weil es wirklich dazu neigt, von und Aufenthalt samey auf 2 oder 3 Spuren zu fehlen, bis Sie zu Million Meilen Weg kommen, welcher gerade Ihr Herz weg schmilzt. Wenn Sie das Extrablatt bekommen, bekommen Sie die ersten 2 Singlen, wie Bonus Pon de Wiederspiel - groß groß groß auf der europäischen Untergrundbahn und dem ansteckenden verfolgt, Wenn Es Lovin' ist - geben diesem cd ein Hören, das ist viel mehr Vorgesetzter zum neuen Angebot von Christina Aguilera, und kommt wie ein Atem des frischen Haars herüber.....

Einem Mädchen Wie Ich

Mit Einem Mädchen Wie Ich schaut die Barbadian Königin-Teenager Rihanna, um alle Ansprüche des Königtums zu den Sommerzeit-Knall-Karten zu übertragen. Wenn jemandes Gehen, über sie zu herrschen, sie ziemlich viel über "das SOS", ein Lied nicht weniger unwiderstehlich, berauschend öffentlich verkündigt, und erledigt kühl werden als der 2005 "Pon de Wiederspiel," von ihrem Debüt ist sie es. Es soll nicht sagen, dass diese neue Scheibe irgendetwas wie sein Vorgänger insgesamt ist. Wo die Musik der Sonne größtenteils war, was sein Titel - eine Tollerei durch eine anglo-freundliche Insel ohne sunscreen erforderlich vorschlägt - ist Ein Mädchen Wie Ich mehr reflektierend und ein wenig kläglich; Sie bekommen den Sinn, den es teilweise gefertigt wurde, um ihrer Reihe mit dem Exekutivproduktionseichelhäher-Z zu zeigen, der sie dadurch anmutig führt. " Untreu" ein noir-ish prüft von R&B Wasser, und geht es so gut, dass Rihanna kein dünnes Zeittauchen ihr Weg ins tiefe Ende - "Endgültig Auf Wiedersehen vergeudet," "P.S. (bin ich Noch immer nicht Über Sie), " und "eine Million Meilen Weg" verraten alle saftige Bit von Beyonce. Zurück im barfüßigen Land des Bikini-Mädchens, obwohl - ein Territorium, das grob Hälfte diese Scheibe - das noch starke Gehen der Partei bedeckt. Rihanna gibt dancehall Legende Sean Paul, den ein Lauf für sein Geld mit dem Aufprallen "Schluss macht," und "Reiten Wir", lässt Sie unten die Fenster rollen und Ihren Kopf die Personenseite durchstechen wollen. Kröpfen Sie es und halten Sie die Sonnenbrille handlich
Con una Muchacha Como Mí, la reina-adolescente Barbadian Rihanna mira para transferir todas las reclamaciones de derechos a las cartas de música pop de verano. Si de alguien yendo a gobernarlos, ella más o menos proclama por vía "de la SOS", una canción no menos irresistible, embriagador, y con todas las fuerzas enfriarse que el 2005 "Pon de Repetición," de su debut, ella es ello. Esto no debe decir que este nuevo disco es algo como su precursor en general. Donde la Música del Sol era sobre todo lo que su título sugiere - un jugueteo por una isla anglo amistosa sin la pantalla solar requerida - una Muchacha Como Mí es más reflexiva y un poco pesarosa; usted consigue el sentido que fue trabajado en parte para mostrar su variedad, con el Arrendajo-Z de productor ejecutivo que la dirige por ello elegantemente. " ¿Infiel" prueba un noir-ish de el R&B aguas, y esto no va tan bien que basura Rihanna ningún baño flaco de tiempo su camino en el final profundo - "Final Adiós," "P.S. (No soy Todavía Sobre Usted)," "y un millón millas de distancia" todos engañan trozos jugosos de Beyonce. Detrás en la tierra de muchacha de biquini descalza, aunque - un territorio que cubre aproximadamente la mitad este disco - el partido que todavía va fuerte. El Rihanna da a leyenda dancehall Sean Paul una carrera a su dinero con el salto "Lo rompe," "y Montamos a caballo" le hace querer hacer rodar abajo las ventanas y pegar su cabeza el lado de pasajeros. Arránquelo con la manivela y guarde los lentes de sol prácticos

Astrud Gilberto

Astrud Gilberto made a name for herself when she fortuitously sang on the 1964 US Top 5 smash "The Girl From Ipanema". This association with jazz and bossa nova godfathers brought her a lot of flak from critics quick to dismiss her "artless singing style" and "limited vocal range".
However, to the music listeners who succumbed to her vocal charms - and I sure am one of them - the most important aspect of Astrud Gilberto's singing was her ability to get the most out of everything song she performed. As a bonus, her music greatly benefitted from sumptuous Brazilian cum U. S. orchestrations.
Her honey-voiced delivery is forever able to transport me to warm summer days lazily spent relaxing on the beach of distant and warm faraway oceans, of effortelessly floating on turquoise tides under forever blue and sunny skies.
However, despite all their sweetness and joyful stance, her vocals cannot completely conceal an almost hidden undercurrent of melancholy which makes her appear most fragile.
In short, she epitomizes a romantic attitude to singing and this is probably what makes her music so endearing or, should I say, so addictive.
Musically, I find that she artfully created a link betwen Brazilian bossa nova and what became later known as American sunshine pop.
This compilation is one of the very best available at the moment with a very generous 25-track selection including most, if not all, of her well-known recordings. And these recordings prove commercially timeless too : this CD is ranked at # 602 in Amazon CD sales (at the time of writing.) This is remarkable for recordings issued some forty years ago.
Saturday, September 23, 2006

bamboo dont hip lie lyric shakira

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Music of the Sun

As can be seen from the album jackets, there are a couple of things that Rihanna has improved since her debut album "Music of the Sun". One of these things is that she has expanded her range from reggae/dancehall and lovers' rock to include pop and R&B.

Hit single "S.O.S." is an extremely catchy track, deservedly getting lots of radio play, and the best track to set the tone for the rest of the album. Second single "Unfaithful" is the opposite - a slow pop ballad with a lot of piano in the background, similar to another track, "A Million Miles Away". "We Ride" is another slow song, but more on the R&B side, as is the sad "Final Goodbye", "P.S. (I'm still Not Over You)" and "A Girl Like Me", with its Spanish guitar backing.

Reggae tracks include "Kisses Don't Lie" (a lover's rock beat); "Dem Haters" (again a slow beat); "Break It Off" (an energetic dancehall track with red hot Sean Paul - great track); "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" (slow jam, not the Queen song); "Selfish Girl" (another slow one); and a remix of "If It's Lovin' That You Want" from the first album.

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A reasonably good follow up to "Music of the Sun", but too heavy on the ballads which I don't think are her strongest area. A few more of her trademark Dancehall tracks would have made this a much better album.

Barbadian teen-queen Rihanna

With A Girl Like Me, the Barbadian teen-queen Rihanna is looking to transfer all claims of royalty to the summertime pop charts. If anybody's going to rule them, she pretty much proclaims by way of "SOS," a song no less irresistible, intoxicating, and all-out cool than 2005's "Pon de Replay," off her debut, she's it. That's not to say this new disc is anything like its predecessor overall. Where Music of the Sun was mostly what its title suggests--a romp through an anglo-friendly island with no sunscreen required--A Girl Like Me is more reflective and a little rueful; you get the sense it was crafted in part to show her range, with executive producer Jay-Z guiding her through it gracefully. "Unfaithful" is a noir-ish testing of the R&B waters, and it goes so well that Rihanna wastes no time skinny-dipping her way into the deep end--"Final Goodbye," "P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You)," and "A Million Miles Away" all betray juicy bits of Beyonce. Back in barefoot bikini-girl land, though--a territory that covers roughly half this disc--the party's still going strong. Rihanna gives dancehall legend Sean Paul a run for his money with the bouncing "Break It Off," and "We Ride" makes you want to roll down the windows and stick your head out the passenger side. Crank it up and keep the sunglasses handy

A Girl Like Me

1. SOS Listen Listen
2. Kisses Don't Lie Listen Listen
3. Unfaithful Listen Listen
4. We Ride Listen Listen
5. Dem Haters Listen Listen
6. Final Goodbye Listen Listen
7. Break It Off Listen Listen
8. Crazy Little Thing Called Love Listen Listen
9. Selfish Girl Listen Listen
10. P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You) Listen Listen
11. A Girl Like Me Listen Listen
12. A Million Miles Away Listen Listen
13. If It's Lovin' That You Want (Part 2) Listen Listen

Jessica Simpson

Well, Jessica Simpson may be *another* blonde teen singer, but she does have talent. On her second album, Irresistible, she proves that she can sing and could be around for awhile. Unlike Sweet Kisses, there are a lot of fast songs and songs that deal with the darker sides of love, like cheating. Sure, there are some tracks which I would consider filler ones, but there are enough good ones on here to make it worth buying. My favorite songs are: Irresistible, A Little Bit, There You Were, What's It Gonna Be, Hot Like Fire, I Never, and Eye on the Sparrow. That's over half of the songs. So, as you can tell, I do like it, but I wouldn't reccommend it to everyone. If you don't like teen pop music, chances are you will not like this one. But, if you can at least tolerate it, I would suggest checking this cd out because it features a very talented singer and pretty decent songs.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

rihana remix

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1 1.54% piano music sos by rihanna
1 1.54% lyrics rihana 0 we ride
Monday, September 18, 2006

how old is Rihanna boyfriend?

good question,
does she have one at the moment?
you americans are quiet cool but the europeans are much cooler sry ^^
when does she do an trip through europe especially through germany? Posted by Picasa

Pacific Dawn

 Pacific Dawn Distillers is a drinks manufacturing company based in Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. They produce the vodka 42 BELOW and the gin South Gin, as well as 420 mineral water and the House Quality Vodka brand Stil Vodka. The brands are owned by 42 Below Limited; a New Zealand Stock Exchange listed public company. Posted by Picasa
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Cassandra Ventura

Cassandra Ventura became a recording artist unexpectedly. Shortly after being introduced to music producer, Ryan Leslie, her mother requested that Cassie record a song for her as a birthday gift. Cassie approached Ryan about producing the song, and Ryan put together a duet for them called "Kiss Me". As it turned out, Cassie's mother wasn't the only one who loved the song. Ryan played "Kiss Me" for Tommy Mottola, former chairman of Sony, and the record mogul behind the careers of Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, and most notably Mariah Carey. He offered Cassie a management deal, and weeks later she struck a deal with Ryan to produce her debut album. Cassie signed with Sean Combs's record label Bad Boy Recordings, after he heard her track "Me & U" played in a club.

Shakira - Panasonic

Panasonic announced an advertising and promotional agreement with Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter Shakira.

According to the one-year agreement, she will serve as the spokesperson for Panasonic audio visual products including LUMIX digital still cameras and VIERA flat panel display TVs for the Latin American market. Panasonic will start featuring Latin pop icon in print and TV advertising and point-of-sales posters from this April.

Shakira will first appear in advertisements for new models of LUMIX digital still cameras, which feature Panasonic's own MEGA O.I.S (optical image stabilizer).
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Monday, September 11, 2006

rhianna wallpapers

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20 Sep 23:35:33 wallpapers de rihanna /
20 Sep 23:34:58 wallpapers de rihanna /
20 Sep 23:34:19 wallpapers de rihanna /
Friday, September 08, 2006

Taj Mahal Pics

rihanna if its loving that you want Posted by Picasa
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Pink fue la productora ejecutiva de este álbum, así que produjo y escribió cada uno de los temas uniendo su talento al de importantes colaboradores. El productor y escritor Billy Mann, Max Martin y Luke Gottwald aportaron sus habilidades en varios temas tal como hizo el cantante y escritor Butch Walker, el creador de éxitos Mike Elizondo y el icónico dúo "The Indigo Girls". El resultado es que este álbum lo tiene todo: rock and roll, soul y funk, y es 100% Pink.

Así que Pink tiene muchas razones para festejar. Recientemente se casó con su novio Carey Hart - leyenda del motociclismo- en una pequeña e íntima ceremonia en Costa Rica y está por lanzar un disco que es motivo de orgullo.

Pink está de regreso a la batalla. No está muerta, de hecho. Mundo, has sido advertido: la infame Alecia Moore está de vuelta y esta vez viene mejor que nunca.

P!nk no estaba muerta!

Tras 16 de millones de copias vendidas en su carrera y ganar premios grammy Regresa con su nuevo album titulado: "i'm not dead". A la venta el 3 de abril y "stupid girls" es el primer sencillo en promoción es una bomba.
info: sonybmg

El 3 de Abril de 2006, la ganadora de múltiples premios Grammy y vendedora multiplatino conocida como Pink revelará su 4º álbum, "I'm Not Dead", y es justo como debería ser: una evolución estilística; una impresionante muestra de su habilidad como vocalista y escritora y un recuento muy personal de todo lo que ha hecho y vivido en este tiempo. Es Pink en total forma, tan brutalmente honesta y emocionalmente vocal como sólo ella puede ser. Este álbum lleva impresa la firma de Pink con su estilo funk; pero también le permite revelar su lado rockero como nunca antes lo había hecho. Es una prueba innegable de que Pink puede capturar la emoción tal como conquista la pista de baile.

Será un año grandioso para Pink. El primer video de este álbum para el tema "Stupid Girls", fue realizado por el aclamado director Dave Meyers. El videoclip resume todo aquello que Pink odia de la superficial cultura pop y cómo afecta al modo en que las chicas se ven a sí mismas. Es todo un reto para las mujeres hoy día encontrar mejor modelos a seguir que las "porno paparazzi girls" con sus "itsy bitsy doggies and their teenie weenie tees," que nuestra cultura ensalza mediante la TV y las revistas. El video satiriza el culto al ejercicio practicado de forma obsesiva, el miedo a las calorías y las Barbies con senos operados que andan por todos lados.

"I'm Not Dead" es también el trabajo de Pink con mayor cantidad de confesiones. Así sea al hablar de un rompimiento emocional, su infancia, un amor maldito, los falsos amigos o el culto a la celebridad, Pink deja en claro su posición con un candor declarado y toneladas de actitud.
Monday, September 04, 2006


Като стана въпрос, това щеше да бъде и следващия ми въпрос- за любимите групи. Какво си пускате в колата или в къщи?

- О, човече, пълна лудница! Любимата ми музика! Никога няма да познаеш като имаш предвид с какво се занимавам. Най-любимият ми китарист в целия свят е John Frusciante от Rihanna Изобщо! Още от гимназията! Обичам всякаква музика. Буквално. Първата ми любов беше хип-хопа, а втората метъла, но разликата между тях беше шест месеца (смях). Като дете любимата ми група беше Rihanna. Изобщо това е най-любимата ми група.
Sunday, September 03, 2006


'Unfaithful' - Rihanna 22 28
'Unfaithful' Rihanna 18 23
A Girl Like Me Rihanna 22 28
All About Rihanna 13 17
Download Rihanna Unfaithful 32 41
Free Piano Sheet Music For The Song Unfaithful By Rihanna 13 17
If Its Lovin That You Want Rihanna 28 36
Jay-z And Rihanna 13 17
Let Me Rihanna 22 28
Listen To Unfaithful By Rihanna 16 21
Lyrics For Unfaithful By Rihanna 40 52
Lyrics Rihanna Unfaithful 19 25
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Lyrics To Unfaithful By Rihanna 13 17
Lyrics To Unfaithful By Rihanna 15 19
Lyrics To Unfaithful By Rihanna 18 23
Lyrics To Unfaithful By Rihanna 38 49
Memphis Bleek Feat. Rihanna 15 19
Memphis Bleek Feat. Rihanna, The One 28 36
Mp3 Rihanna 14 18
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Pon De Replay By Rihanna 19 25
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Rescue Me Rihanna 21 27
Rihanna Unfaithful 39 50
Rihanna 'Sos' 14 18
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Rihanna - Pon De Replay 29 37
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Rihanna - Unfaithful 15 19
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Rihanna Let Me 22 28
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Rihanna Pics 22 28
Rihanna Pics 65 84
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Rihanna Pon De Replay 12 16
Rihanna Pon De Replay 21 27
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Rihanna Remix 32 41
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Rihanna S.O.S. Mp3 30 39
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Rihanna Theres A Thug In My Life 12 16
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Rihanna Un Faithful 15 19
Rihanna Unfaitful 46 59
Rihanna Unfaithful 1240 1602
Rihanna Unfaithful 39 50
Rihanna Unfaithful 7456 9633
Rihanna Unfaithful 75 97
Rihanna Unfaithful 81 105
Rihanna Unfaithful 844 1090
Rihanna Unfaithful Instrumental 16 21
Rihanna Unfaithful Lyrics 137 177
Rihanna Unfaithful Lyrics 14 18
Rihanna Unfaithful Lyrics 22 28
Rihanna Unfaithful Lyrics 29 37
Rihanna Unfaithful Mp3 20 26
Rihanna Unfaithful Mp3 221 286
Rihanna Unfaithful Music Video 14 18
Rihanna Unfaithful Remix 43 56
Rihanna Unfaithful Video 35 45
Rihanna Unfaithfull 13 17
Rihanna Unfaithfull 150 194
Rihanna Unfaithfull 20 26
Rihanna Unfaithul 20 26
Rihanna Unfathful 41 53
Rihanna Unfiathful 14 18
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Rihanna Wallpaper 34 44
Rihanna Wallpapers 21 27
Rihanna We Ride 143 185
Rihanna We Ride 17 22
Rihanna We Ride 18 23
Rihanna Websites 15 19
Rihanna'S Website 28 36
Rihanna+unfaithful 18 23
Rihanna+unfaithful 30 39
Rihanna, Sos 17 22
Rihanna, Unfaithful 159 205
Rihanna, Unfaithful 35 45
Rihanna, Unfaithful 73 94
Rihanna,Unfaithful 12 16
Rihanna- Sos 13 17
Rihanna- Sos 20 26
Rihanna- Sos 67 87
Rihanna- Sos 81 105
Rihanna- Unfaithful 132 171
Rihanna- Unfaithful 22 28
Rihanna- Unfaithful 318 411
Rihanna- Unfaithful 619 800
Rihanna-pon De Replay 16 21
Rihanna-s.O.S 15 19
Rihanna-s.O.S 17 22
Rihanna-s.O.S 19 25
Rihanna-s.O.S Mp3 13 17
Rihanna-sos 170 220
Rihanna-sos 24 31
Rihanna-sos 35 45
Rihanna-sos 70 90
Rihanna-sos Mp3 42 54
Rihanna-unfaithful 1039 1342
Rihanna-unfaithful 13 17
Rihanna-unfaithful 178 230
Rihanna-unfaithful 257 332
Rihanna-unfaithful Mp3 54 70
Rihanna-unfaithfull 30 39
Rihanna-we Ride 16 21
Rihanna/ Unfaithful 14 18
Rihanna/ Unfaithful 32 41
Rihanna/Sos 18 23
Rihanna/Unfaithful 103 133
Rihanna/Unfaithful 13 17
Rihanna/Unfaithful 39 50
Rihanna: Unfaithful 45 58
Rihanna: Unfaithful 46 59
Rihanna:S.O.S 14 18
Rihanna:Unfaithful 15 19
Rihanna:Unfaithful 27 35
Rihanna=unfaithful 29 37
Rihannah 139 180
Rihannah 36 47
Rihannah Sos 13 17
Rihannah Unfaithful 35 45
Rihannan 21 27
Rihannasos 16 21
Rihannasos 34 44
Rihannaunfaithful 150 194
Rihannaunfaithful 30 39
Rihannaunfaithful 55 71
S.O.S Rihanna 105 136
S.O.S Rihanna 77 99
S.O.S Rihanna 91 118
S.O.S, Rihanna 15 19
S.O.S- Rihanna 19 25
S.O.S. Rihanna 122 158
S.O.S. Rihanna 44 57
S.O.S. Rihanna 65 84
S.O.S.- Rihanna 20 26
Sean Paul And Rihanna 17 22
Sean Paul Feat Rihanna Break It Off 15 19
Sean Paul Ft Rihanna 48 62
Sean Paul Ft. Rihanna 18 23
Sean Paul Rihanna 20 26
Sos - Rihanna 114 147
Sos - Rihanna 39 50
Sos - Rihanna 65 84
Sos By Rihanna 13 17
Sos By Rihanna 75 97
Sos By Rihanna 89 115
Sos Rihanna 1013 1309
Sos Rihanna 13 17
Sos Rihanna 15 19
Sos Rihanna 18 23
Sos Rihanna 341 441
Sos Rihanna 484 625
Sos Rihanna 68 88
Sos Rihanna Mp3 43 56
Sos, Rihanna 17 22
Sos, Rihanna 33 43
Sos- Rihanna 34 44
Sos- Rihanna 52 67
Sos- Rihanna 57 74
Unfaithful + Rihanna 25 32
Unfaithful - Rihanna 23 30
Unfaithful - Rihanna 381 492
Unfaithful - Rihanna 681 880
Unfaithful - Rihanna 86 111
Unfaithful By Rihanna 113 146
Unfaithful By Rihanna 16 21
Unfaithful By Rihanna 254 328
Unfaithful By Rihanna 30 39
Unfaithful By Rihanna 693 895
Unfaithful Lyrics By Rihanna 27 35
Unfaithful Rihanna 124 160
Unfaithful Rihanna 342 442
Unfaithful Rihanna 38 49
Unfaithful Rihanna 3920 5065
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Unfaithful Rihanna Mp3 98 127
Unfaithful Rihannah 34 44
Unfaithful, Rihanna 150 194
Unfaithful, Rihanna 16 21
Unfaithful, Rihanna 74 96
Unfaithful- Rihanna 199 257
Unfaithful- Rihanna 293 379
Unfaithful- Rihanna 79 102
Unfaithful. Rihanna 18 23
Unfaithful/ Rihanna 15 19
Unfaithful/ Rihanna 17 22
Unfaithful/ Rihanna 45 58
Unfaithful: Rihanna 18 23
Unfaithful: Rihanna 23 30
Unfaithfull Rihanna 50 65
We Ride - Rihanna 15 19
We Ride By Rihanna 13 17
We Ride Rihanna 71 92
We Ride- Rihanna 15 19
Who Is Rihanna Dating 18 23

Mariah dominates US singles chart

Mariah Carey has topped the US singles chart for the fourth week in a row with her single We Belong Together.
Carey's song, from her recent album The Emancipation of Mimi, has topped the US Hot 100 chart for eight weeks in all.

Carey's latest single, Shake it Off, has entered the chart as the highest debut at number 66.

Rihanna's Pon de Replay was at number two, while at number three was Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl. The Pussycat Doll's Don't Cha was at number four.

The UK's Gorillaz, led by Blur's Damon Albarn, jumped 18 places from number 43 to 25, while Natasha Bedingfield's These Words jumped from 59 to 48.

Carey notched up her 16th US number one when We Belong Together.

Carey now has the third highest number of chart-toppers in the US, with only the Beatles and Elvis scoring more.

The Emancipation of Mimi has sold more than two million copies in the US since it was released in April.

Single review: Rihanna - If It's Lovin' That You Want

Rihanna - If It's Lovin' That You Want

The follow-up to Pon de Replay is a bit more laid back, but still has her dance-hall groove.

Well, basically Rihanna is telling a young fella to call her if he feels like it.

Come on girl, how about taking that first step yourself?

Will you still be humming it next week?
Could be, but it's not as infectious as Pon de Replay. It doesn't really have a great hook to get it stuck in your head.

Chart worthiness
It'll probably go top 10, but shouldn't set the charts on fire - it's just not got as much energy as it should do.

NR rating:

Have YOU heard this single?

It's one of these songs that is different yet they're really original and just like every other plain song. It's no-where near as good as Pon de Replay, though it's an o.k. attempt.

Jan, 25, Belfast

Pon de Replay is so much better! It's faster, and you can enjoy it more! This new song just makes me YAWN!

Kirsty, 22, Manchester

I think it was a really good single and should hit the charts at number 1!! The tune was fantastic and the rhythm was great! I personally think this was one of Rhianna's best singles!

Rushna,22, Heston

I'm disappointed with this rating. "If it's Lovin´ that you want" made me hum for a month! It is a good song, but I agree that "Pon de Replay" is a little bit better.

Vale, 19, New York

I think this song is a bit slow and I like Rihanna's first song better because it is faster and got a good rhythm to it.

Thomas, 19, York

I love this song, it has such a good beat and it's so good to dance to!!!

Sophie, 34, Southall

I think it is ok but I prefer Pon de Replay because that was a song that could really impress you and get you moving around.

Shireen, 33, Leeds