Rihanna J Kline
“It doesn’t matter now. There’s no way I’ll be able to finish it for the contest anyway.” With that, the nineteen-year-old girl roughly swiped up the mass of papers, and proceeded to carelessly toss them into the trash bin aside her work desk.
The desk was otherwise very tidy, with a huge board attached to the back that was lined with light bulbs and covered in photographs and post-its. Art supplies and two sketchpads glowed under the light of a small, fur-lined lamp with the name Rihanna J Kline engraved at the post.

There was only one other person there with Rihanna . His soft facial features settled from surprise into a concerned stare. “I thought you were doing well,” was all he managed to say at first. Silence. He then added, “I was starting to get totally immersed into the story, it was amazing.”
Rihanna appeared disheartened as she leaned with one hand on the desk, the other on her hip. Her gaze scoured the desk in deep thought. As she looked back at him, the hand on her hip rose to swipe back her chocolate strands which were belly-length and styled as they always were--parted on the left with a very 70’s-ish appeal. “Perry,“ she sighed, “I can’t go on writing the manga. Not after everything that has happened.”
Because Perry was, after all, her closest friend, he had known Rihanna ’s secret the whole time. The one that had once fueled the passion of the manga from the beginning. It led to her losing the two people she thought she loved the most.
It sickened Perry to think about the object of her obsession, but he had continued to try his best to support her work. He couldn’t deny that she was the greatest artist he had ever known and didn‘t want to discourage that, and even if the obsession of hers was not healthy… well, he couldn’t really tell not to be in love with someone. Not even if someone else was in love with her.
The desk was otherwise very tidy, with a huge board attached to the back that was lined with light bulbs and covered in photographs and post-its. Art supplies and two sketchpads glowed under the light of a small, fur-lined lamp with the name Rihanna J Kline engraved at the post.

There was only one other person there with Rihanna . His soft facial features settled from surprise into a concerned stare. “I thought you were doing well,” was all he managed to say at first. Silence. He then added, “I was starting to get totally immersed into the story, it was amazing.”
Rihanna appeared disheartened as she leaned with one hand on the desk, the other on her hip. Her gaze scoured the desk in deep thought. As she looked back at him, the hand on her hip rose to swipe back her chocolate strands which were belly-length and styled as they always were--parted on the left with a very 70’s-ish appeal. “Perry,“ she sighed, “I can’t go on writing the manga. Not after everything that has happened.”
Because Perry was, after all, her closest friend, he had known Rihanna ’s secret the whole time. The one that had once fueled the passion of the manga from the beginning. It led to her losing the two people she thought she loved the most.
It sickened Perry to think about the object of her obsession, but he had continued to try his best to support her work. He couldn’t deny that she was the greatest artist he had ever known and didn‘t want to discourage that, and even if the obsession of hers was not healthy… well, he couldn’t really tell not to be in love with someone. Not even if someone else was in love with her.
holap,mi nombre es francesca , se pronuncia franchesca y me dicen fran o frankie q c dic franki.Boy al colegio cambridge college en providencia antonio varas.mi mejor amiga se llama valentina cruz.Ojala ella c meta y vea todo esto y dje un mensaje tambien.Mi serie preferida es marmalade boy.
Me parece k tu pagina es una de las mejores k he visto. Me sorprendio k hubiera otra persona a la k le gustara tanto como a mi Sakura y Hilary a parte de otros comics manga.
La verdad es k a mi me encanta Sakura me acabo de comprar un libro con imagenes ineditas y estoy acabando la coleccion de comics.Tu pagina es buena pero te recomendaria k añadieras mas imagenes para hacerla mas interesante.
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