Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hassan Abou Seoud song lyrics translated into English - Shik shak shok

Shik shak shok

Shik shak shok

shik shak shok

shik shak shok

nassik ya habibi il rap w il rock

My darling, I'm going to make you forget about rap and rock

shik shak shok

shik shak shok

nassik ya habibi il rap w il rock

My darling, I'm going to make you forget about rap and rock

wi ta aala nir'os baladi

Come, let us dance baladi (our native music)


How beautiful!

dal baladi ya nour eini

This baladi is the light of my eyes (ie it's so dear to her)

wa ta aala nir'os baladi

come let us dance baladi

dal baladi ya nour eini

this baladi is the light of my eyes

bil albi bi shok

In the heart it pierces

shik shak shok