Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cabbage Patch Kid

I read the daily blogs because I want to see both sides of any given issue before I make up my mind how I feel about it. As I mentioned yesterday in my edited post, for those who wish to have reasonable dialog in debate, I suggest you review "A Code of Conduct To Effect Rational Discussion" from "Attacking Faulty Reasoning" by T. Edward Darner. You can Google this information on the internet if you are interested. After several months here, I realize that most people want to use the blogs for emotional venting, and that's ok too. Unfortunately, I am not a camp follower so I can't learn anything from this source of information. My child was not allowed a Cabbage Patch Kid, I have never seen an episode of "Friends" and I don't drink Starbucks coffee. I am not personally interested in cut-and-paste rhetoric from either extremist point of view; I do not find enlightenment in narrow-minded messages, name-calling, labeling and hate-mongering. I would rather look to the wisdom of past wise, compassionate and ethical leaders and seek future visionaries with the same qualities. I pray for our children and hope we make the right choices for their world. So I will leave you to your passionate posting with brightest blessings for the future and the Wiccan Creed: "Do as you will, an' harm none." Shauni ..., Priestess of the Sacred Mists"